Sunday 23 September 2012

Ollie & Nic Eric Owl Purse

So.. this isn't a want. This is more a post of general amusement as I found this whilst browsing for a purse. I need a new purse. My old one from New Look is a bit broken, but the thing is - I'm really picky with purses. They have to be a certain size, they have to fit a certain amount of cards in, they need little pockets, and zippy bits, and ... well you get the idea.

So online browsing for purses isn't really the cleverest idea, but I was looking for inspiration. And I found this. 

Its totally something I think my sister would love. In fact, it's probably gonna end up on either her Birthday or Christmas list from me. (damn child has a birthday in November - makes for an expensive two months!)

To be fair, it is pretty cute.

Saturday 22 September 2012

Thomas Sabo Charm Bracelets

So... we're back at jewellery. More specifically, we're back at charm bracelets! I've wanted one of these Thomas Sabo bracelets for a while, since we bought one for one of the girls at work as her leaving present. It was lovely - I'd never really looked too much at Thomas Sabo jewellery before that but since then I've not been able to stop looking at the site, and trying to figure out which charm(s) I'd want!

I'd definitely want the purple bracelet. I am a purple fiend. It amuses me how much more the charms are than the actual bracelet though. I really can't decide what I'd want.. obviously stars are just love.. but they're also pretty common. I love the Frog (private joke) and also the Orca (another private joke).

I'd actually love to get two of my best friends one of these each with the Orca charm on it, they'd love it - but my Christmas present budget doesn't quite extend to £70 per person.. 

I actually get 20% off Thomas Sabo where I work, so this is definitely on my to-buy list. I say that about a lot of things, but I really do mean this one.

Snuggly jumpers..

Aaah, Autumn and Winter. Time to start wrapping up with yummy jumpers and feeling cosy on the couch. Well, lets face it, have been trying to do that through 'summer' too. But either way.. these are some lush jumpers!

The Panda jumper is insanely cute, and looks really comfy. I have a bit of a thing for Pandas.. I don't really know why? It's a bit odd. But it's still cute.

The Star jumper is AMAZING. Like, I am full on in love with this. I would wear it over everything, I can just see it now. And that is why it is in the Dream world and not in the Real world. Because nothing I ever love THIS much is actually affordable. but it's so pretty my credit card will forgive me right. I'm actually quite sad I ever saw this jumper. I won't be able to forget it now.

Friday 21 September 2012

Wolford Studs Tights

So.. it's time to venture back into the world of dreams. Because to be fair.. everything I have posted for a while has been pretty affordable. I mean.. these are technically affordable. If you have £85 to spend on a pair of tights.
I don't.

Even if I did, I wouldn't spend it on tights. Because me and tights do not get along, as mentioned previously. They would probably last me one night, and then I would be supremely devestated that my £85 tights had died a death.


In my dream world, I can afford beautiful tights. I have beautiful legs. Beautiful tights look beautiful on my beautiful legs. And I would have these tights. I don't know, they have a somewhat bondage-esque look about them but they're just gorgeous. 

Where's my winning lottery ticket.. 

Pretty Tights!

So, one of the things about wearing skirts and dresses all the time is that it can just get a bit boring. I wear plain tights to work, the last thing I want to do when it comes to going out is rock some more plain boring tights. 
This is where funky patterned tights definitely come in, they can totally change a look! A plain black dress can look amazingly different if you add some patterned tights into the mix.

Now obviously you can get patterned tights in many many different colours but being me.. I like to stick to black. Its a confidence thing. But you can still get some really awesome tights in black! I love all of the tights above, especially the star print tights. I've gone through a ridiculous amount of star print tights in the past year, mainly because I wear them out drinking and drinking + tights does not a long life make! (ladders before I leave the house are not at all uncommon)

I'm not 100% about the suspender tights that have been popular lately. They look really cute, don't get me wrong but I think unless you have lovely slim thighs they're just gonna be drawing attention to the bits you may not want people focussing on. However, that does not stop me happily drooling over them, adding them to my pretend shopping basket and then opting out at the last minute. Oops.

Aaaah, pretty tights. How I love thee. And these are all gloriously affordable as well!

Thursday 20 September 2012

Project Wear-Less-Black

I get told all the time that I wear too much black. Its just easy! I am a bigger girl, I feel better in black. Its slimming. Besides that, I have to wear black for my uniform so really I'm just killing two birds with one stone by buying black clothes.

However, I know that really I need to branch out a bit. I try black with a print every now and then but according to the friends and family thats not quite enough.

So my next idea is to try wearing things I know suit my shape, that I will feel confident in, in different colours. Because at least then I know it looks ok, even if I feel strange in bright colours! Therefore - coloured skater dresses are definitely the way to go.

These two are also crazy cheap. You've got to love a good bargain from New Look. I definitely need to buy them, and then actually wear them too. Project Wear-less-Black is in progress! (kind of)

Black Heart Print Summer Dress

I don't remember where I read about Lavish Alice. On a blog somewhere I'm sure.. I have a somewhat extensive blog reading list. Its actually kind of ridiculous.. but it sure keeps me entertained.

This dress is gorgeous. I want it. I know it says Summer dress, but we didn't really have one of those and I want it anyway. I've never really been too bothered about the summer / winter line, any pretty dresses I accumulate in the summer always move into winter with tights and cardigans - no big deal!

This dress has a lovely cut out on the back as well, which just makes it that bit more interesting. It looks like a lovely cut, it also looks like its a decent length and - AND! - it looks like it could potentially be suitable for work, as long as the cardigan stayed on. You've got to love dresses that you'll be able to wear for a multitude of things!

My only issue with the dress is that it only goes up to a size 14. I'm well on my way back to a size 14 at the moment (weightwatchers ahoy!) but if it is a small 14 then it's never gonna fit me. And that would be heartbreaking.

Might just have to order it and see..